Value Creators

Episode #38. Prof Mark Packard On the Future Of Business Education

Hunter Hastings Episode 38

Entrepreneurship can be learned via philosophy and principles: cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset, fostering adaptability, and problem-solving skills, and embracing dynamic market processes.

Mark Packard, Professor Of Business And Entrepreneurship at Florida Atlantic University and Director of the Madden Center for Value Creation, contrasts entrepreneurial business education with traditional business paradigms. An entrepreneurial curriculum focuses on dynamic market processes and the pivotal role of the entrepreneur in the capitalist market system. Mark proposes experiential learning, where students engage with real-world challenges, fostering adaptability and problem-solving abilities crucial in today's rapidly changing business landscape.

Mark emphasizes the broader impact of entrepreneurial thinking, spanning industries such as healthcare, where innovative models like direct primary care challenge established norms. By integrating philosophical insights and subjectivism, entrepreneurial education can cultivate a mindset of continuous learning and value creation. Mark underscores the importance of introspection and experimentation in breaking free from conventional thinking patterns. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the transformative potential of entrepreneurial education in fostering innovation, adaptability, and societal change across all sectors.


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Check out The Value Creators Online Course by clicking here. 

FREE PDF: 26 Ways To Think Better about Business.

Mark Packard: Entrepreneurial Valuation: An Entrepreneur’s Guide To Getting Into the Mind of Customers

Show Notes:

0:00 | Intro
0:18 | The Next Management: Reinventing Management for the Digital Age
6:33 | Subjectivist Thinking: Shifting Mindset for Business Innovation
7:46 | Prioritize Customer Experiences over Finances
9:59 | Reverse Engineering 
12:01 | Systems Thinking Approach: Business Role in the Customer's Lives 
15:14 | Applying Austrian Economics in Business Education
18:47 | Austrian Theory was Always Focused on Complexity
20:21 | Marsha's Degree in Business
22:19 | Learning Experience
24:14 Can AI Simulations Foster Dynamic Entrepreneurship?
26:25 | Transforming Company Culture Through Entrepreneurial Hires
31:32 | Core Principles: Understanding Value, Empathy, Creativity
34:14 | Full Use Cycle
35:53 | Empowering Diverse Skill Sets for Business Impact
35:54 | History/Philosophy Grads Excel with a Value Creation Mindset
40:05 | Revolutionizing Healthcare Through Value-Driven Practices
41:37 | Wrap-Up

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